tude could come to immediate fruition. But this is unlikely; prejudice dies slowly even mine against the institutions of religon. But the Council's forthright proposal represents a first, tentative step toward the reconciliation of homophiles with their religion. Indeed, a candle has been lit, rather than the darkness cursed. I salute the courageous ministers who demonstrated ample temerity in confronting the police.

October seems to be a month chocked with good news. The word that the rump "ONE" has desisted in its misrepresentations can only be greeted with a sigh of relief. The news that ONE enters its fourteenth year can only be greeted with applause and the enclosed birthday present. I love you all. Mr. F. Arlington, Va.

Dear Friends:

Enclosed are more clippings of possible interest. The series on sex education does not deal with anything other than "normal" sex to any great degree; but it certainly points up the backwardness and slowness of responsible persons, even in this enlightened time, in taking steps toward proper sex education. Perhaps, with the straights so slow to provide for their children in this field, the homosexuals are not comparably far behind the times! The October magazine was good as usual; but I think you'd do better to run more short items, instead of a few rather lengthy ones, as has been the tendency lately. I realize, though, that there is probably a shortage of material of just the right length. I should like to help, but fear that excerpts from my latest, "Glass-

ware of the Early Renaissance Period," would not be a great asset to the Magazine! Mr. W.

Dear Mr. Legg:

Oak Park, Illinois

Thank you so much for your letter, referring me to someone for assistance with my difficulties on religious questions. I've been corresponding with one of these fine men, and it would be impossible for me to exaggerate the great help he has been. I can now, so much better, accept myself and be at peace.

All this through your help. ONE is a blessing to mankind. I am so grateful to all of you. Keep it up.

Also, I am very pleased with the October issue of ONE. This work on Religion and the Homophile is a great step. Blessings for a strong and steady growth.

Dear Mr. Conger:

Mr. C.

Salt Lake City, Utah

Re: the enclosed clipping, I thought you and the staff of ONE would be interested in this account of the "reign of terror" that is about to be perpetrated on homosexuals in this town. I am quite sure the reference to "sodomy" no doubt involves those of us who are of a certain" sexual inclination.

If only we could engage legal council to work to get the law on homosexuality changed by the Supreme Court (as they have changed other laws), perhaps we could live in peace! I, for one, would be happy to make substantial contributions toward this end.

Mr. L.



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